Friday, July 3, 2009

The story

So it's been quite a while since I posted here. I really want to keep this up as a way for my daughter to look back and be able to read everything that went on in her life, if I can do a good enough job of keeping up with it!

On May 30th my mom and George came into town from Arizona. The joke had been that the baby needed to be born before Wednesday June 3rd so George could at least see her before he took off back to Arizona. My mom was staying for 10 days. Chad was on the road until May 31st. I picked him up from the bus and the 4 of us went walking. My mom and George also ran to buy castor oil and clary sage oil. Apparently, these are ways to "naturally" induce labor and if they don't work, then you're not ready. I had an appt June 1st to have my membranes stripped which would hopefully aid in the my water breaking on its own not long after. However, I needed to be a little more dilated to have this done. At my appointment the week before I was only a finger tip dilated! So I was hopeful that the next morning she would say, "You're 2!"

After our walk around the pedestrian bridge downtown I really wanted to go eat at Wild Ginger. We drove all the way out to Cool Springs. (At this point I had taken the castor oil and rubbed the clary sage oil on my wrists and ankles!) We got to the restaurant and had a great dinner. I started to feel cramping which I thought was from the castor oil. My "cramping" was coming every 2 minutes a part. But I still thought it wasn't anything. When we got home my mom ran a bath for me and I relaxed. The cramping stopped and we were all in bed by 9:30. Chad and I took unisom's to be able to get a really good night's rest. We were planning on walking like crazy the next! I wanted this baby out!

I got up to pee at 1:15AM. And I quickly went back to sleep. Chad got up 45 min after me to go to the bathroom. On his way back to bed I felt a little "pop" of fluid/pee come out. I quickly said to Chad, "Turn the light on, turn the light on!" And I think he turned every light on except the one I needed! ha! I said, "I think my water broke!" And he came over and looked at my little pile of fluid and said he thought I peed myself. But I had just gone to the bathroom and KNEW I didn't pee myself. So I stood up to go to the bathroom and have a look.

Once I stood up the flood gates opened and fluid was gushing out! It was definitely my water. I ran downstairs to get my mom in my tank top and underwear. All the way down the stairs leaving little puddles of amniotic fluid a long the way. Just in case I couldn't find my way back. I woke her and George up and then it was a mad house! Chad kept pacing the room and didn't quite know where to start. I had had my bags packed for about 2 weeks and since he just got home 12 hours before he didn't have his hospital bag packed! So he threw some stuff together and grabbed all the cameras! I wanted to shower before which everyone thought was crazy. So I got a hold of the on call doctor to let them know what happened. She said I had time to take a shower and labor at home if I wanted. Which I had NO intentions of doing. So I showered, got ready, and we were all packed up! I was "cramping" this whole time and realized at that moment, OH..these are CONTRACTIONS! They didn't hurt that bad at that point.

We got to the hospital and once again, I leaked amniotic fluid all the way down the halls! There was a trail leading to my labor room! I got admitted and in my room. They checked me. Finger tip dilated. WHAT?! My water broke and my contractions had been coming every 2 min. They discovered I had some scar tissue "down there" from a routine procedure I had to have last year. The nurse said that I should go ahead and get the epidural because once that scar tissue broke through, I was going to dilate to 10 fast and there would be no time. I did NOT want the epidural at this point. I really wanted to get to at least 5 or 6 CM's. (Now looking back on this I wonder why I thought this!!??) The epidural is not something that wears off so it doesn't matter when you get it as long as it's not too late!

I stayed a finger tip dilated for 9 hrs! I was so discouraged. I was contracting really well. They had given me pitocin to make my contractions more intense and nothing was happening. The contractions were definitely getting more intense though. I got some pain medicine, still didn't want the epidural. The pain medicine was incredible! It made me so loopy! And sleepy. I forgot I still hadn't slept. Everyone kept saying to take a nap, that I would need the strength to push. But I was so giddy and going on pure adrenaline at this point, I knew I wouldn't sleep.

I got the epidural. The nurse kept insisting considering the scar tissue and the fact that I still hadn't dilated any. She thought it could be at any time. Once I got the epidural I went to 3 CM's. I stayed there for a couple hours. Then when they checked me again, I was 7 CM's! She said I would be pushing within the hour. I was in shock. Then 20 min later I was 10! And we were "practice pushing"

It was at this moment that I decided I wasn't ready for her to come out. I needed the next 11 days to prepare a little more. I needed her to stay put just a little longer. So I got very emotional. Our lives as we knew it was about to change in an incredible way and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. It was my, "OH, there's a baby in there!!???" moment. My little sisters had just gotten there from NC. Tawni had been there with my since 3 that morning and was a huge help. They all came in and we hugged and I cried and then they were gone and it was show time. I had to push this baby out. Through physical exhaustion I have never known, I pushed and pushed and pushed. Then quickly fell asleep in between contractions. Chad would wake me up and say it was time to push again. My mom was on one side and my Chad was on the other. Together they counted, helped hold my head up, kept encouraging me that I was actually doing it, I was making progress. I didn't want Chad looking "down there" so my mom would tell me if she could see more of the baby. After 42 minutes of strength that came from somewhere else, our daughter popped out! At 6:52 PM on June 1st.

They laid her on my chest and I was in shock. Here she was! Wow. Overwhelming emotion. Chad and I looked at each other through tears in our eyes and could NOT believe what had just happened. Chad cut the cord and went to be with the baby while they cleaned her up.

We were able to spend about 2 hours with her in our labor room before they took her for her bath. As I write this, I'm still in awe of that day. We went to the sleep the night before with her still all snugly in my belly and went to bed the next night with our daughter in our arms. We were in love from the moment we saw her. She was beautiful and I couldn't believe she was OURS!

We went to sleep that night with a new person in this world. One that we had made. We couldn't stop staring at her. We couldn't stop touching her and rubbing her little tiny face. She was perfect. We had just experienced one of life's greatest moments and sleep didn't come easy that night, we were too in love.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

She moves!

Here is a little video of the baby moving! Hopefully you can see her : ) We've been trying for several months now to get her on camera. But every time we whip one out, she immediately stops. I think we got her this time though!

Monday, May 11, 2009

36 Weeks

Here we are. 9 months pregnant. Wow. I have 28 days until my official due date. Chad and I are stunned. We lay in bed and look at each other and just laugh that this time next month we'll have our baby girl here. We can't wait.

We went today for a consult with her pediatrician. He came highly recommended by Jim and Abby and we know several other people who see him. We loved him! He answered all of our questions and then some. It was so surreal to be sitting in his office talking about the baby who he'll see "in a few weeks" as he put it. We discussed her vaccination schedule, breast feeding, sleep habits, the most accurate way to take her temperature, sunscreen, and even if her sleep positioner is a good thing. *Which he is not a fan of and we immediately put away when we got home!* It was so neat to see Chad want to be involved in this part. I can't imagine most guys are fans of consulting with their child's pediatrician. But he really wanted to be a part and even had questions of his own. I love that man.

Everyday gets a little more uncomfortable for me. The baby is a really heavy load to carry around (according to pregnancy websites she is 6 pounds right now). I start out the day really strong, full of energy. It quickly fades as the day goes on. I go from walking to waddling. My joints have become very loose and I feel the pressure of her sitting on my bladder constantly. Eight times last night I had to get up to pee! Eight times!!

We have our ultrasound on Wednesday to determine the baby's weight. I'm praying it's still "up there" and we'll be meeting her a little early. : ) I know once all this over I am really going to miss being pregnant. I am proud of my body and what it has done so far. It's amazing to think what goes into a baby's growth in the womb. And to know that I have played a part in that is an overwhelming feeling of joy.

I'll post some pics of my enormous belly soon. We've been measuring at home and in the last week it's grown 2 inches around! HA! What can I say...we're big girls! : )

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

33 weeks.

33 weeks and 1 day

Here we are. On the serious part of the homestretch. We are ready. Or ready as we'll ever be, I guess. We have an ultrasound in 3 weeks to determine her size and "go from there." I love when a doctor says that. What does that mean exactly? Hmmmm...I guess in 3 weeks we will find out. Our baby is currently in the 98th percentile for weight. Where does she get her amazing chubiness from? Your guess is as good as mine. I weighed 7.5 lbs and Chad was 8 pounds even. The dr said, "Well, it comes from somewhere!" So unless our parents lied to us...we have made a big baby. (All of this according to an estimate on an ultrasound, so the kid could come out weighing a "normal" 6-8 pounds!) We'll take her anyway we can! Healthy and plump.

She has been getting the hiccups a lot in the past few days. She got them for the first time on April 19th. And has continued to get them 2-3 times a day. It's really cute watching her. She wiggles a ton when she has them. I think it's her way of trying to get rid of them! Poor thing, doesn't know how.

We have 48 days until my due date! I keep telling Chad she WILL come early. And he keeps saying she won't. And I told him telling your very pregnant wife that is almost like a death sentence. I think one of the things keeping me sane during this super uncomfortable, uncontrollable swelling time, is the fact that the doctor said last week, "If you want, I can always induce you a few days early!" Which lets face it, that's like the heavens opening up and angels singing over you. So my guess is June 3rd.....all together now....JUNE 3RD, JUNE 3RD, JUNE 3RD!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

27 weeks.

Well here we go. 27 down. 13 to go. Is that really possible? We have several things going on in the next few weeks so I'm sure these last 13 will fly. Better not say that and then jinx myself.

Kolby is flying in today to be with us for a week. And then she and I will fly back to AZ. I am so excited to see her. I can't wait for her to see the baby's room and help me organize a little better. She's really good at this. Once about 5 years ago she woke my roommate Abby up at 2AM and said, "Can I organize your closet?" So needless to say, she's good at this stuff!

We are all still growing. My belly seems to get bigger by the day. I am feeling great. I've been getting up early everyday. She starts "waking up" around 7 and doesn't go back to sleep for awhile. And it's really hard to sleep when you have a person kicking your insides. Some books think that you start to learn their sleeping and waking patterns about now. I don't understand how that's possible BUT if it is...she does what most babies do. Sleeps all day and then up all night. Her most active phase is around 9-10PM.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I love this picture of our little girl. Her Auntie Nawni calls this her "ooo-la-la" pose. And every time I see it, I think of that now.
She's already photogenic!

We have another one of her with one arm above her head and she looks like she's doing her exercises and singing a long to Olivia Newton John's song, "Let's Get Physical!"

Isn't she cute?? : ) : )

25 weeks.

Once I get over the hump of this week I will allow myself to say I am officially on the "homestretch." For some reason 14 weeks to go sounds so much shorter than 15. Fifteen feels like 30 in my mind. Today was my repeat ultrasound. When we went for our last ultrasound she was moving so much and there were 2 things that they weren't able to measure. So I went back today to get them measured. Which was wonderful getting to see her again. Chad's on the road and this was the first appointment he wasn't able to to attend. We talked the entire way and I emailed pictures to him immediately!

Our daughter (wow, that's weird to say!) is weighing in right under 2 pounds. And she is already head down and waiting for her exit. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen for at least another 14 weeks! She got a clean bill of health today. Abby went with me and I was so thankful she did. It was wonderful to have her support. (Thanks Abs!) We got a couple cute pictures and I swear she is smiling in one! Even the ultrasound tech said, "You have one photogenic baby!" To which my mother would say, "Do you know who her grandmother is?!!??" : )

We are almost prepared with everything we need. Chad's parents bought us her pack n play and of course, I had to set it up immediately. Now I don't know how to take it a part so I'm waiting on Chad to get back!

25 weeks and 25 random things...

The baby belly at 25 weeks.

So apparently all the craze is writing 25 random things about yourself on Facebook. I gave up Facebook for most of February. I was getting a little too obsessed reading it all the time. So I thought I would start my 25 things on here.
Here goes...hopefully I can come up with 25 things.

1. I only buy lottery tickets if the jackpot is over $100 million

2. I'm sad because I can't fit into most of my jeans unless they are unbuttoned and unzipped.

3. I have bigger boobs than I've ever had in my life right now and I HATE them. I realize this is probably too much information. But I don't care! : ) It's one of the random things that came to my mind! And as my Aunt B would say, it's my blog! : )

4. I wear a tank top under everything, everyday.

5. I don't like being outside that much and having that "outside" smell when you come in.

6. When my husband is on the road, I'm practically a hermit.

7. I have to put comfy clothes on the moment I walk in the door. pregnant or not pregnant

8. My 3 little sisters are still, by far, the greatest girls I know.

9. I'm having a daughter in 14 weeks and she's name-less.

10. I put chapstick on before I go to bed every night.

11. I sleep with a little green squishy pillow, an eye mask, and a fan on.

12. I watched my baby sister Kolby come into the world and that ranks up there as one of the most defining moments in my life

13. I think my husband is one of the most talented, humble people I know.

14. I blame my temper on being hispanic.

15. I put lotion on my belly at least 3 times a day to hopefully prevent stretch marks, even though I know they are hereditary.

16. Hot yoga has been my greatest financial investment in the last year. Sadly, being pregnant, it's the first thing to go. Can't wait to go back.

17. I have a scar on my left hand where a family member put out his cigarette thinking there was an ashtray but it was my hand. I was 6 and still remember it. He was very apologetic!

18. My new years resolutions were to make my bed everyday and never have dishes in the sink overnight. So far, so good...well, kind of...

19. My daughter's closet is full, and arranged according to size and type of clothing and everything is all on hangers. She has the only walk in closet in the house and by the looks of it, she needs it. Her room is also complete (thanks to Aunt Tiff!!) and now we just wait! : )

20. I read blogs like crazy.

21. I love Samoa girl scout cookies and have yet to track down a box.

22. I rub my feet together to fall asleep.

23. If I could wear my black, Juicy Couture, track suit, and Ugg's everyday, I think I would. Although, I think this is all I've been wearing for the past i guess that's not that random.

24. I love the ice at Sonic. I've been to several asking for bags of it, but I can't find a sonic that sells it that way!

25. I love to sleep in. My friends know not to contact me before 10:30. : )