Thursday, March 25, 2010


My child got tubes. Again. She had tubes done in November 09, and then we found out that the one in her left ear wasn't working properly. So she had to get it redone today. We arrived bright and early at 6AM. They do this surgery so early so the babies won't have to go long without food. They aren't suppose to eat or drink anything after midnight. Thankfully, since Mommy is still nursing and since breast milk digests a lot faster, she was able to eat until 3:30AM. Which meant she only went about 5 hours without food. For Salem, this was a win. She doesn't eat throughout the night anyway, but when she wakes up (no matter when), she expects to eat. Especially nurse. So to make sure she had a super full tummy, I went and scooped her up at 3 and she nursed for about 20 minutes while she was asleep. I get paranoid with my chubby baby going too long without food! : )

She did great today. Woke up "mad as hell" as Chad put it but once she was in my arms and eating, all was well in her world. She came home and slept off the anesthesia for about 3 hours. Man, was that the Longest.Nap.Ever. And has been such a trooper today.

She started splashing like crazy tonight. She knows how to splash, but has never really gone crazy in the bath with it. Of course, tonight, the night where she can't get water in her ears, she went out of control crazy with the splashing. She was laughing and having a blast. I think it was her way of telling us, "I'm ok guys, really, I'm going to be just fine."

I really hope the Salem Chapin Ear Saga is behind us. I am so done with seeing my baby in pain. Over and over. And over again. I think she's paid her dues, Universe. I think it's time you let her sleep well and be pain free in her ears, forever. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Last month of being single.


This is your last month in the single digits of months. April 1st you will officially be "double digits." I have sat down several times this month to write this to you. Daddy has been gone and what has resulted is you being completely attached to your mama. We took several trips this month and you protested sleeping in the pack-n-play. Thus resulting in your sleeping with me, every night for about 3 weeks. Before we started our trek around the U.S., you were putting yourself to sleep in your crib, sleeping for 12 hours straight, taking 2, 2 hour naps a day, and now...well, let's just say we're back to where we started! ; ) So, all that to say, I've been trying to write this for awhile now...but you have been very clingy and haven't allowed me any really long "breaks".

You have had a HUGE month, your 9 month. You went to North Carolina, Arizona, and California. We took our first road trip, just me and you, to NC. We didn't make it very far before we ended up in a hotel and drove the rest of the way, the next day. But we did make it. And I vowed to never make that trip alone, until you are a little bit older. You really did amazing though. Then we came home, settled in for about a week and then headed off to Arizona. You were able to see your Mimi again. That woman, your Mimi, loves you with a love that I have never seen before. She would do anything for you, remember that ok? She's also the one that you can go to and probably get anything you want! Remember that too, ok? ; )

Then we took your 10th plane ride to California to see your Pops, my father. You and I had a great time exploring their little town of El Segundo. We ate lunches at little cafes, went to the park, went to the beach, and you had your first major fall. I was sitting right there and it happened really fast. I beat myself up for a really long...well, I still am! I cried right a long with you.
After we got home we only had a few more days to wait until Daddy arrived. We went to pick him up from the bus and I have to tell you, I was a little worried. Didn't know how you would react when you saw him. It had been pretty much an entire month that you hadn't seen him. BUT, when you saw him, oh how the excitement started. You started flapping your arms and kicking your legs! (Which you do and it's the cutest) And you really haven't wanted to leave his side since. You love seeing him. You love playing with him. And you especially love when he sings to you.

You were diagnosed with another ear infection this month. I cried (AGAIN! HA!) and you cried. We didn't sleep almost an entire night. Ever since you started getting ear infections I have always worried that they would some how affect your hearing. The other day we were sitting in the backyard and there was the slightest little bird chirp coming from the tree, it wasn't very loud at all. And you kept looking into that tree trying to figure out where that noise was coming from and it brought tears to my eyes. You hear just fine and that brings so much joy to my heart.

I love you Salem. This month has been fun for me. It has given me a boost of mommy confidence that I think I was lacking a little. With Daddy being gone, I learned I was able to take really great care of you, by myself. It's not something I hope happens a lot. Daddy being home is a HUGE help. But I loved having this month with you. We found a new groove. You grew up a little, I grew up a lot. You have gone from being a little baby to me, to being a baby who knows how to get around and tell me what she wants.

I wonder if you'll ever know how much joy these past 9 months has brought me. You have helped make me a better person, my love. I can't imagine my life without you. All those cliches that people say about parenthood, are actually true! You will hear them all one day. And every time my mom would say to me, "Just wait until you're a mommy..." I get it now...

I love you baby girl. Thank you for making my world so much more full.
Happy 9 months!

Monday, March 1, 2010

9 months old

9 months pregnant!!

9 month old baby!!

Finally enough hair to hold a bow!

Poor thing is teething so this is what she does a lot! : )

Salem is 9 months old. Hard to believe she has been here for as long as I was pregnant! These past 9 months have flown by. It's hard to believe she's already this "old"! : )

She is a spunky little thing! She is going through some separation issues and only wanting to be with her Mama! If she sees me, she wants me to hold her, if I walk out the room, she wants to know where I'm going and what I'm doing. We have gotten into a really great routine since Chad's been gone. After the shock wore off that we were "on our own" for a few weeks without Dada, we have really managed to do well! (WE MISS CHAD THOUGH!)

Here are some Salem "highlights" at 9 months:

* Still naps 2 times a day, and still sleeps 7-7ish. Although this last month, I have been getting her at 7, nursing her, and she's been sleeping until 8-8:30! Ahhhhh!
* says "Dada" "Baba" but no "Mama" just yet
* will give "five" on command
* Pulls herself up to stand on everything
* Will stand alone for minutes at a time
* takes about 2 steps on her own and then sits on her booty!
* eats like a champ. baby food, table food, any food!
* In the 80th percentile for weight, 75th for head circumference, and 50th for length (she's a chubby little thing!)
* LOVES to be outside! (something she definitely inherited from her daddy. her mama, not so much, on the outside part)
* Is so entertained watching "big kids" play
* She loves to talk! Blabs all day long!!
* "talks" to herself to help put herself to sleep...soooo cute!!
* her top teeth should be coming through anytime now!!

We love you, Salem! Happy 9 months!