Thursday, April 29, 2010

only one

one month old

we're going to take pics with this puppy each month : )

my beauty


You are one month old today. One month of a whirlwind of emotions. I can't believe you've been here for a month already. I waited so long for you to be here and now I don't remember what it was like before you arrived. You fit in so perfectly with us. With me and Daddy. With the rest of the family. So many people have come over to share in our joy and meet you. You've done amazing with being passed around and loved on by everyone. Your grandparents came from Oregon. Your Mimi came to see and watch you enter the world. And she will be back again next week! Your aunties were here. Auntie Tawni comes over most days to snuggle you and shower you with kisses.

I'm still getting the hang of my new role. Give me a little time, ok? : ) I'm learning that you like to eat...and eat and eat and eat. You pretty much eat every 2-3 hours. I'm functioning well considering my lack of deep sleep. Sometimes we snuggle and take naps together during the day. But you know what? I'd rather not sleep and just stare at you. Stare at every little face you make, listen to every noise and coo. I don't want to miss a minute of it. I've been on a roller coaster ride these past four weeks. Ups and downs, highs and lows. But mainly, I've been in complete, utter, bliss. I'm in love. I'm in love with your little 7.5 pounds of pure yumminess. I love the way your skin wrinkles around your knees and arms, almost as if they are waiting for the chub to show up. I'm in love with the little hairs on your head. Your deep blue eyes (which I know will eventually change). I'm in love with the way you put your hands up by your face to sleep. The way you tuck your little twiggy legs up by your tummy. Could I go on? Yep, pretty much. I'm in love with everything. You are amazing.

I promise to try and be the best mommy I know how. I promise to be your biggest fan and support you in your life. I want you to always feel safe with me. To know you can come to me about anything. I promise I'll (try to) listen. You have my heart Salem Sophia. Welcome to my life...and thank you for letting me be your mommy these past 4 weeks. I'm in love with you.

**I'm posting the letters I wrote to Salem before I started blogging again. This blog is becoming her baby book so I want to make sure it's all on here**

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